Doctors wanted to cut his son’s life support. So he grabbed a gun, locked the room, and then the unbelievable happend

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They say there is nothing stronger than a parent’s love for his children. Most mothers and fathers would probably agree that there aren’t many things they wouldn’t do to protect and save their children.

George Pickering II’s second son went into a coma and the doctors wanted to detach him from life support. The father asked them not to do so, but when they refused the father’s request, he decided to take law into his own hands. Armed with a gun, he went to the hospital and barricaded himself in his son’s room. What happened from that moment on is nothing short of miraculous.

Earlier this year, George Pickering III went into a coma after suffering a massive stroke.

The family was told George had no chance of waking up from the coma. Relatives were advised to stop the ventilator. The family agreed and George’s body was prepared for organ donation.

But George’s father refused to accept it.

Armed with a gun, he went to Tomball Regional Medical Center. There, he forced the doctors out of his son’s room and barricaded himself for three hours until a police SWAT force came outside the room.

But then something no one dared to dream of, happened.

As the father held his son’s hand in his hands, he suddenly felt the son hold his arm back strongly. As the police officers stormed into the room, they saw George Pickering III opening his eyes.

After hours of negotiations, the police used an automatic robot to throw back the curtain concealing Pickering and his son. Pickering then surrendered peacefully.

“He broke the law, but it was broken for all the right reasons. I’m here now thanks to it”, said Pickering’s son, George III. “It was love, it was love”.

The father received 10 months in prison, but was released after 8 months. After being released from prison he was able to celebrate with his son, which is now healed.

Although we don’t encourage anyone to break the law and threaten others with weapons or violence, it is hard not to be moved by the father’s love for his son.

Please share the story if you were willing to do anything to protect your child too!

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