Keanu Reeves Bumps Into Fan About To Get Married And Does The Most Keanu Thing Ever.

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When you’re given the opportunity to invite Keanu Reeves to your wedding reception, you simply have to give it a shot.

That’s exactly what James Roadnight did when he discovered the iconic actor in the bar area of Fawsley Hall Hotel & Spa in Northamptonshire, England, the spot that would later hold their reception. The two of them chatted for a bit, so James decided to invite Reeves to drop by to celebrate with them later that day.

“We didn’t know if he would or not but it was cool that my husband had spoken to him!” Nikki Roadnight, his soon-to-be wife said.

Despite being in town for a film, the busy actor took James up on his offer. Needless to say, Reeves helped make this a wedding to remember! Not only did he show up, but according to Nikki, he “took the time to speak to some of our guests.”


“My mum, Jo, took photos and shouted for everyone to yell ‘Speed!’ as she took the photo,” Nikki added. “We laughed about that as it’s one of his older films! We are big fans.”

Naturally, James and Nikki were elated to share their photos together on social media. In fact, the bride made her profile picture one of just herself and Reeves… at least for a little while. When asked about her choice, she said, “Mr. Roadnight won’t mind just for a few days.”

Weddings are a time for love and happiness, and Reeves certainly helped contribute to making the Roadnight’s big day full of both.

“Keanu Reeves dropping by to say hello was just out of this world,” Nikki said. “Something to remember and the start of many more adventures together.”

Wow, what are the odds? Congrats to James and Nikki on a fantastic start to married life!

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