Chelsea Clinton Just Admitted Something That Everyone Was Suspecting

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Since she rose to fame as the president’s daughter, Chelsea Clinton has tried to work with people in need. She’s been involved in charities and trying to make a positive impact on people in need around the world. But now she has come forward to make an announcement that many people have suspected for years. Chelsea Clinton might be following in her parents’ footsteps and running for public office in the near future.

The Former First Daughter stepped forward to not only attack President Donald Trump recently but also to announce that she has not given up on the possibility that she could have a career in politics. But at this, such a decision is a “definite no now.” But with enough motivation and drive, she knows she could make a stab at it.

While promoting her new book at the Edinburgh International Book Festival, she admitted she “abhorred” Trump and what he has done while in office, especially in his targeting of Mexicans.

Chelsea Clinton is disgusted with how the Trump administration has separated children from their parents at the southern border. And she said it is “the greatest sin of the moment.”

She added while at the international festival: “At federal level as much as I abhor so much of what President Trump is doing, I have a great amount of gratitude for what my congresswoman and my senators are doing to try to stop him at every point,” Chelsea Clinton said to the eager crowd.

She then spoke about how she cannot agree with what Trump is doing and plans to resist.

“While I disagree with the President, other offices that I could run for I think my family . . . is being really well represented, but if that were to change, if my city councilor were to retire, if my congresswoman were to retire, my senators, and I thought that I could make a positive impact, then I think I would really have to ask my answer to that question. For me, it’s a definite no now, but it’s a definite maybe in the future because who knows what the future is going to bring?”

Chelsea Clinton recently published a children’s book about women who have persisted despite sexism. People at the book festival also wanted to get the juicy details from Chelsea about how her mother Hillary Clinton handled the loss of the presidential election back in 2016.

“She just has continued to persist forward in trying to have a positive impact in politics and outside politics in the way that I have seen her do my entire life,” Chelsea said.

The former First Daughter added, “Of course it’s not the way I wish she would be doing that because I think she would’ve been a uniquely extraordinary president, but I’m not remotely surprised that she hasn’t pulled the covers over her head because that’s just not who my mom is.”

She added, “I’m far more outraged by the Trump administration ripping children away from their families at the border and not having reunified those children with their families now for months.”

Would you cast your vote for Chelsea?

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