First Successful Face Transplant in Canada Gives New Hope to Patients

A group of talented surgeons from the Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont (CIUSSS de l’Est-de-l’Île-de-Montréal) recently accomplished a remarkable feat – they performed the first face transplant in Canada. Led by the renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Daniel Borsuk, in collaboration with the University of Montréal, this groundbreaking procedure offered new hope to a scarred 64-year-old man. With this […]

These bugs come out at nighttime, and attacking victims, they silently kill or leave them with a lifelong infection

As a young child Emiliana Rodríguez recalls watching friends play a nighttime game of soccer, where one of the players suddenly dropped dead on the field. Not knowing what had happened, the Bolivian-born Rodríguez grew fearful of the night, afraid of the silent killer called Chagas, the “monster” she was told only comes out at […]

Inmate with broken leg, cracked ribs saves tornado victims at candle factory, then turns himself in to police

Marco Sanchez was one several Graves County jail inmates who were working inside the Mayfield candle factory when a tornado ripped through the area last December. Despite suffering severe injuries, Sanchez was able to free himself and then help others escape the pile of rubble. This week he was honored for not only “quite possibly […]