The butcher-meat department

In a small town nestled between rolling hills and whispering forests, there stood a quaint little butcher shop. Its weathered exterior bore the marks of time, but within its walls, a world of savory aromas and bustling activity thrived. Once you stepped through the creaking wooden door, you were greeted by the sight of polished […]

Thankful to be alive.

When I say the beautiful words “I am alive,” I can’t help but smile. Being alive is such a gift. Taking a breath. And another. And another. Today and everyday, I am grateful to be alive. I’m going to be very honest though- I haven’t always felt this way. I went through a very dark […]

“Run Out Of The State” To Leave New York

“Run Out Of The State”: Famous Firearm Factory, Open Since 1828, To Leave New York As conditions in New York get worse and worse, particularly for conservatives and conservative-coded businesses, such as gu’n companies, the exodus from the state is continuing. Among those done with dealing with the state is FlREARM manufacturer Remington, which is […]