A woman didn’t listen to the doctors and refused to disconnect the ventilator – 3 months later the impossible happened

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When you get married you promise to love in sickness and health.

Over the years, divorces have become more common – but 22-year-old Matt Davis and his wife Daniel have certainly outdone the odds.

We thought love at first sight only existed in movies, but Matt and Daniel have proven that it can happen in real life as well. The young couple met each other only 8 weeks before they got married.

They loved each other very much and could not wait to start their future together. But unfortunately, fate had other plans.

Just seven months after they got married, Matt went into a coma. Everything changed on a hot summer day – when Matt could no longer breathe on his own.

Doctors wanted to turn off the ventilator but Daniel did something that caused a miracle.

It was a very difficult motorcycle accident that took Matt to the hospital.

Doctors found that Matt had broken several bones, internal organs had been damaged, and he had suffered a severe brain injury.

At the hospital, Daniel heard the words no one wanted to hear: ‘Your husband will probably never wake up’.

After many discussions and tests, the doctors recommended that Daniel disconnected the ventilator. They were convinced that there was nothing more to do for him.

But Daniel refused to give up.

“We didn’t even get a chance to start our lives together, and I didn’t want to give up”, Daniel said.

Matt’s father passed away two years earlier and his mother was too ill to care for her son.

Daniel decided to bring Matt home and take care of him 24 hours a day. She gave up everything – just to take care of her husband.

And her refusal to give up hope turned out to be the right decision in the end.

After 3 months in a coma, the impossible happened: Matt opened his eyes.

Daniel realized he was trying to say something, but he couldn’t get the words out.

She kept asking him and suddenly heard her husband say, ‘I’m trying!’.

Daniel did not believe what was happening: “This is the most beautiful thing I have ever heard”.

But the journey back to a normal life was far from easy.

Matt fighted every day to get better, step by step. He had to learn everything from scratch, even speaking, standing, and walking.

He still has a hard time remembering things from before the accident.

His relationship with Daniel, their wedding – everything was gone.

But Matt is 100 percent sure: “I’m glad I married Daniel!”, without her unconditional love, he would not have lived today.

Today Matt feels better and can live a normal life. He can walk, talk, and ride a bike – he even does yoga!

Daniel’s struggle for her husband’s life led to a miracle. Although doctors gave up hope, Matt fought a battle of his own to get out of the coma.

This story shows that true love can overcome anything!

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