A 9-year-old invited 12 friends to his birthday but no one came – a few days later, the postman arrived with a bag to his home

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We all need friends in life. Of course, we see some more than others, and that is also too little sometimes, but a true friend will always be there for you – no matter what. Some friends are friends for life.

Which is why Grandmother Amelia broke down when no one came to her 9-year-old grandson’s birthday party even though she invited 12 of his friends.

But this story had a twist. A few days later, the postman arrived at Gerald Hamilton’s house with a large bag.

Gerald was expecting his ninth birthday. Together with his mother he made and sent invitations to his party. But he had no idea that the day that was supposed to be a happy one would end up sadly for him.

No one came
Although Gerald invited 12 friends, none came to his party.

“Nobody came”, said Grandma Amelia. “He’s just a kid who wants to play with friends”.

When asked how he felt on the day of the party, Gerald replied: “Sad”.

When Gerald was young he underwent several brain operations. As a result, he learns and absorbs things more slowly than his classmates. But for Amelia it is just makes him unique.

Showered with gifts
When no one came to her grandson’s birthday party Amelia was so angry that she wrote a long Facebook post about this.

She had no idea that her words would be shared by so many people, leading to a plot twist and a change in the whole story.

Thousands of people from across the country sent birthday greetings and toys to Gerald. Famous athletes sent him greetings as well, inviting Gerald to the games to celebrate his birthday there.

Gerald decided to give back
It wasn’t long before Gerald’s house actually became a playground. He had no room for all the new toys! So along with his huge heart Gerald thought of a plan.

This wonderful and special boy understood the importance of sharing with others and making others feel good.

Gerald heard of every class for children with special needs who were in a school close to his home.

Donated the toys
The 9-year-old decided to go to the class and donate most of the toys he received from the foreign and kind-hearted people who sent him the gifts.

“Enjoy the gifts”, Gerald told the class.

It doesn’t matter what we look like, what we believe in or what our political stance is, at the end of the day a friend is a friend.

Gerald realized at the age of 9 what it takes some people a lifetime to understand. His acts are inspirational and everyone can learn from them.

Share the article to pay tribute to the wonderful tribute of young Gerald. He is a true friend!

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