How My Dad Saved Me From a Wedding I Didn’t Want

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I found out my future husband had a lover just 2 days before our wedding. I shared it with my dad, but all he said was, “All is set already; wedding cannot be called off now.” The day arrived, and as he walked me down the aisle, I felt something off.

The path wasn’t guiding us to the altar; instead, it veered off to a side door, away from the waiting guests.Confused, I looked at him, and he winked. “Dad, what’s going on?” I asked. He said, “You don’t have to go through with this. I’ve spoken to the guests and told them the wedding is postponed due to a personal matter. They’ll understand.

I felt an overwhelming sense of relief. As we stepped outside, I was surprised to find my mom and sister waiting in the car outside. Dad opened the door and helped me inside, where a bag packed with clothes, toiletries, and a plane ticket sat on the seat next to me. “I’ve booked us a flight,” he said with a gentle smile. “We’re going to spend the next few days somewhere quiet, just the four of us. No questions, no explanations. Just time to breathe.” As the car pulled away, I watched the venue fade into the distance. Instead of a wedding I wasn’t ready for, I was heading towards a fresh start—my family’s thoughtful way of giving me the support I needed.

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