98-Year-Old Grandma Takes to Stage And Interrupts A Country Singer’s Performance

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I’m by no means a musician, but growing up I did take various instrument lessons. The first real musical instrument that I learned how to play was the piano and I’ll never forget the first time I had to perform in front of a live audience.

It was an audience of less than fifteen people that consisted almost exlusively of my and my classmates’ family members, but it was still nerveracking.

Fortunately, I was able to make my way through the recital without any major mistakes and that’s when I realized th at I was not cut out to be a live entertainer!

But while many people shy away from performing live, there are those who live for it. It’s their dream to step into the spotlight and wow the crowd. And if you follow country music at all, then you probably know how much of an honour it is to perform on stage at the Grand Ole Opry.

For contemporary country singer Josh Turner, it was a huge milestone to finally stand on stage at the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville, Tennesee. But in the middle of his set, Josh did something completely unexpected that is going viral… “My wife’s 98-year-old grandmother, her name is Lois Cunningham, and she’s gonna come out and play on the Grand Ole Opry stage for the very first time.” The spotlight then turned to Lois who played “How Great Thou Art” beautifully, and it’s clear that this is a joyous moment that she will cherish forever. Lois also received a well-deserved standing ovation from the audience.

Watch the emotional video below and let us know what you think! And don’t forget to share this story with your family and friends as a reminder that dreams do come true and at any age!

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