I Knew It Would Make Headlines

A “vulgar” billboard in Maryland presents Vice President Kamala Harris and President Joe Biden in an unfavorable manner. The billboard is located near the intersection of Route 4 and Bowie Shop Road in Huntington, Calvert County, and features cartoon caricatures of the president and vice president. The pro-Trump banner says, “DON’T BLAME TRUMP!” and shows the president and vice president standing in mounds of cartoon excrement. These two (expletive) heads are stuck on you!

Many in Maryland find the banner offensive, even many those who disagree with Biden on political issues support it. For instance, Calvert County Democratic Central Committee chair Jeanette Flaim has used the media to combat the sign-in

Simply put, it’s vulgar, she said. Children are being driven by their parents to school, where they attend every day. We just don’t think parents should have to explain it to their children or that they should have to see that.

Flaim might not be successful in getting the town to take down the billboard, though. The Calvert Record and Southern Maryland News revealed that county commissioners may be forced to maintain the “sh*t head” sign in place despite its objectionable content due to the 2015 Supreme Court ruling in Reed v. Town of Gilbert. Based on the argument that the poster of the “offensive” statement was exercising their right to free speech, this ruling supported the poster.

Buddy Hance, president of the Board of County Commissioners, said: “There is nothing that we as county government can do for language that’s on a legal sign. You know this country was built on the foundation of free speech, and sometimes we like what that free speech says, and sometimes we don’t.”

However, Flaim (above) does not plan to give up so easily. Because the sign claims to be “from all your deplorables in Calvert County,” she understands that the location of the billboard has long been a pro-Trump agenda. She does not have a problem with that; however, she argues that the imagery and messaging on the current sign are simply inappropriate for public display. She does not want the curse words reaching the eyes of Maryland’s youngest residents. She hopes that by putting public pressure on the people who posted the sign, they will remove it and replace it with something less vulgar or controversial.



