Angry Dog Owner Wants Parents To Start Putting Their Children On Leashes

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A dog owner from Michigan, Lynne Schmidt, recently ignited a heated online debate when she suggested that children should be ‘leashed’ to prevent them from approaching unfamiliar dogs without consent. Her comments came after a concerning encounter with a parent whose three-year-old child ran up to her dog, Zoe. The incident prompted a fiery discussion on social media about children’s behavior around pets, leading to New York City-based dog trainer Brett Bailey offering advice on the matter.

Lynne Schmidt took to Twitter to express her frustration with parents who fail to educate their young children about appropriate behavior around dogs. She shared her experience, saying, “Small child runs up to Zoe. I body block and say, ‘Maybe we don’t run up to dogs we don’t know.’ Me: ‘If she isn’t on voice recall, maybe she should be leashed?’” Her comment garnered considerable attention and stirred strong reactions from both sides of the debate.

Many social media users supported Lynne’s viewpoint, emphasizing the importance of parental responsibility when it comes to children’s interactions with dogs. Some agreed with her suggestion that children should be leashed, considering it a safety measure.

One user commented, “Honestly, I think that’s a great suggestion! I was a leashed kid, and that’s probably a major reason why I’m still around.” Another added, “How about ‘thank you for protecting my child and doing my job for me?’ Jeez.”

Conversely, there were those who criticized Lynne for her response, with some even suggesting that her dog should be put down. They argued that her reaction was rude and unnecessary.

One user remarked, “This was very rude of you,” while another said, “If your dog’s a safety risk, don’t take them out.” The most extreme comment read, “If she’s a danger to children in public spaces, maybe she needs to be put down?”

The online debate prompted dog trainer Brett Bailey to share his expertise on handling situations where children approach dogs without consent. Bailey offered four key tips to ensure the safety of both dogs and children:

Carry a ‘Positive Interrupter’: Bailey recommended carrying a treat or toy that can distract your dog if a stranger approaches. This allows you to redirect your dog’s attention and maintain control of the situation.

Inform Strangers: Encourage strangers to pet your dog’s back rather than their face. This reduces the risk of unexpected reactions from the dog.

Teach Your Dog Politeness: Train your dog to greet strangers kindly and then pull back. This helps provide a positive and quick interaction before moving away.

Body Blocking: Position yourself in front of your dog, also known as ‘body blocking,’ to create a physical barrier between your dog and potential interactions.

Bailey emphasized the importance of understanding that approaching dogs without consent can be risky and potentially harmful to both dogs and children.

The debate sparked by Lynne Schmidt’s comments highlights the need for responsible pet ownership and proper education on dog-child interactions. While opinions on the matter vary greatly, it is crucial for parents to teach their children to approach unfamiliar dogs with caution and for dog owners to employ safety measures to ensure peaceful coexistence. Expert advice, like that provided by Brett Bailey, can help facilitate safe and positive interactions between dogs and children. Ultimately, the well-being of both dogs and children should be the top priority in these situations.

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