Over 200 People Are Killed By The “World’s Deadliest Food” Every Year, But Almost 500 Million People Still Eat It

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There are many foods around the world that can quickly fill you up, but they aren’t often served at the dinner table every night. Now, let’s talk about a common food consumed globally: cassava.

Cassava is a staple in many people’s diets as both a food and a plant. Every year, hundreds of millions of tonnes of cassava are grown, and it is consumed by around 500 million people. This versatile root crop is widely eaten in various forms, such as boiled, fried, or used in flour. Native to South America, cassava has spread to different parts of the world.

However, while it is an important food source, cassava can be quite harmful if not prepared properly. It contains cyanogenic compounds that can be toxic if consumed in large amounts or without proper cooking. Despite this, when prepared correctly, cassava is a nutritious and filling food enjoyed by many across the globe.

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