Most likely the worst guess in Wheel of Fortune history is this one – Best Recipes For Today

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It does offer a good deal of amusement for the audience, regardless of how a contender manages to handle it. Matt, a Wheel of Fortune competitor, just committed what was likely the biggest error in the program’s history. In this specific episode, Matt’s entire performance was actually very intricate. In case you missed it, he was the ultimate victor and took home $23,350, so he probably doesn’t feel too dreadful about his terrible mistake in this episode.

That kind of terrible mistake, though, frequently overshadows everything else in an episode. The objective of the round in question was for the three competitors to solve a word problem as quickly as feasible. There were three words in the puzzle, and the category was “people.” Participants have two options: they can attempt to predict the entire sentence or just one letter. Regarding Matt, he inquired as to whether the letter “N” was included in the sentence. It was, and here is how the problem appeared: TH_ – N_ T – _ N _ R _ T _ _ N

It took him a moment to figure out what the term may be. To the amazement of everybody, he responded with a word that had no “N.” “The Best Buttercut,” he declared. Though its exact meaning is unknown, Buttercut’s statement clearly did not fit the jigsaw! THE NEXT GENERATION was the chosen response. Here is where you can view the funny error:

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