Wife texts deployed husband about their preemie twins, unbeknownst to her he’s standing right behind her… the heartwarming reaction is in the comments 💔😭👇

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Being away from family is one of the toughest sacrifices for service members, who often miss significant life events like weddings, funerals, and even births.

Kansas Army National Guard soldier Skyler Cooper experienced this firsthand during his seven-month deployment in Kuwait while his wife, Cydney, was pregnant with twins. At 33 weeks, complications forced her to give birth early. With two young sons at home and twin daughters in the NICU, Cydney was overwhelmed.

Unbeknownst to her, Skyler had been planning a surprise. While she held one of their 2-week-old babies in the hospital, he walked in with balloons and flowers, sparking an emotional reunion.

The surprise didn’t end there—Skyler also surprised their sons, capturing the heartfelt moment.

Cydney later shared, “Thousands of miles, one solo pregnancy and delivery, countless Skype calls, and many tears later—a soldier returned.”

This family’s resilience is inspiring.

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